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This page will help you solve common problems found with playing SA-MP.

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

SA-MP is a modification, this means you need the actual game to play it.

If you do not have a legal copy of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, you have to buy it at your local store.

GTA Version

Because Rockstar has blocked modifications with their patches, only version 1.0 of the game will work.
If you got another version, please use [this downgrader] to downgrade it back to 1.0


If you purchased the game using Steam, SA-MP will not work.
This is because Steam installs an up to date game (version 2.0 or 3.0), and downgrading this copy is illegal!


Some existing modifications may interfere with SA-MP, causing it to crash.
Be sure to play SA-MP with a clean copy of the game.


Some cheats may also cause SA-MP to crash, besides that it's forbidden to cheat on multiplayer servers.
Please only use cheats/trainers on singleplayer sessions.


SA-MP is the main client of the multiplayer function, using this client you'll configure and join servers.

SA:MP Version

Be sure to play with the latest version of SA-MP, available for download at


Due to attacks, certain IP address ranges are banned from the masterlist.
If your IP is rangebanned, you unfortunately can't access the list of servers.