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I though about creating this just a few days ago. I think it'd be better if all terms be grouped alphabetically with a h2 header like ==A==, ==B== and a separate table under each header. Talk:Terminology/Layout. --Vince (Talk) 13:23, 14 August 2012 (CEST)

@Smithy: 'A .cfg file is a 'ConFiGuration' file, containing various settings. The most prominent of these is sa-mp.cfg in GTA userfiles, which stores data such as a player's FPS limit.' I don't see why you changed this part? Drebin

@Drebin Because server.cfg is more known than sa-mp.cfg. I bet the majority of players have never seen sa-mp.cfg but EVERY server owner knows what server.cfg is (and tbh players don't come on the wiki, server owners and/or scripters do. Smithy 15:19, 15 August 2012 (CEST)

Meta 03:09, 5 April 2013 (CEST): Personally I'd uncenter that text. Eye-cancer.

Center Align

I agree, but it appears to mess up:

A list of common terminology used in SA:MP.

Term Meaning
Script A script is the code that tells the server what to do.
Callback When an event occurs (such as a player connecting to the server), a 'callback' is

'called'. This allows the script to act upon said event. In this example, when a

player connects 'OnPlayerConnect(playerid)' is called. The '(playerid)' part allows

the script to know which ID the connected player took.

Can't seem to change the width..
