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Debugging Discussion.

Edited Page

Added a section about when it may be useful to use printf rather than just print.

//Goldkiller: Your example won't even compile. " pKillStreakReward[killerid][7]++;" This will definitly give you an error when you're trying to compile as the compiler recognizes,that you are out of the array bounce. Following, "This causes the runtime to crash, and the code will not continue." this is not a runtime error.

Under "Adding the debug messages" for some reason the pKillStreakReward[killerid][7] changed to: "pKillStreakReward[killerid][pKillStreak[killerid]]++;"

1000 page views!

1000 page views! Keep sharing it! Smithy 10:20, 24 January 2012 (CET) [writer]
