From SA-MP Wiki
![]() | This article is outdated. It may use methods or functions which no longer exist or which are deemed obsolete by the community. Caution is advised. There is a new wiki page for newer versions of this plugin. |
Documentation for G-sTyLeZzZ's MySQL plugin version R6-2 (R7 will be supported soon). Forum topic and download links can be found here.
Lastest release: R7 (6/02/2012)
Plugin functions
![]() Note | Every function except mysql_connect(...) and mysql_debug() has connectionHandle parameter. If you use only one database connection you don't need to mind it. Connection handle is 1 by default. |
enable | 1 to enable, 0 to disable (defaults to 1). |
Return Values:
public OnGameModeInit() { mysql_debug(1); //enable debug //... mysql_debug(0); //disable debug return 1; }
![]() Important | Do not use this function to reconnect to the database. Use mysql_reconnect() instead. |
const host[] | IP or hostname of the MySQL server. |
const user[] | Username of the account you want to connect to. |
const database[] | Name of the database you want to connect to. |
const password[] | Password of the account you want to connect to. |
Return Values:
public OnGameModeInit() { new mysql = mysql_connect("","root","mydatabase","mypass"); // ... }
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
Return Values:
- 1: The function was executed successfully.
- 0: The function failed to execute.
public OnGameModeExit() { mysql_close(); return 1; }
![]() Important | Connection state check (and reconnect if needed) happens automatically incase you are using threaded callback, so you don't need to perform any manual checks. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
Return Values:
if(mysql_ping() == 1) print("MySQL connection is still alive!"); // ... if(mysql_ping() != 1) print("MySQL connection is dead!");
const destination[] | The string to store extracted data in. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
Return Values:
- 1: The function was executed successfully.
- 0: The function failed to execute.
new stats[150]; mysql_stat(stats); print(stats); //Output would be something like: Uptime: 380 Threads: 1 Questions: 3 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 12 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 6 Queries per second avg: 0.008
charset[] | Code of the character set you want to use. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
Return Values:
destination[] | The string to store extracted data in. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
Return Values:
new charset[20]; mysql_get_charset(charset);
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
Return Values:
- 1: The function was executed successfully.
- 0: The function failed to execute.
//connection was lost for some reason mysql_reconnect();
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
Return Values:
mysql_reload(); //this query has the same functionality as mysql_reload function mysql_query("FLUSH PRIVILEGES");
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
output[] | The string to output the result to. |
format[] | The format string. |
{Float,_}:... | Indefinite number of arguments of any tag. |
Return Values:
Format strings
Placeholder | Meaning |
%e | Escapes data directly without the need to call mysql_escape_string() before |
%s | Inserts a string. |
%d or %i | Inserts an integer (whole) number |
%f | Inserts a floating point number. |
The values for the placeholders follow in the exact same order as parameters in the call.
new szDestination[100]; mysql_format(connectionHandle, szDestination, "SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE `bar` = '%e' AND `foobar` = '%f' LIMIT %d", "foobar", "escape'me\"please", 1.2345, 1337); // the variable 'szDestination' contains now the formatted query (including the escaped string) mysql_query(szDestination);
![]() Important | It's highly recommended to thread all your queries (even INSERT & UPDATE). You can find a simple usage explained here and fresh example here. |
query[] | The query you want to process. |
resultid | Optional (if you specify this query will be processed in a separate thread). |
extraid | Optional (extra variable that would be processed to the callback. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
![]() Note | Use mysql_num_rows() to find out how many rows were returned for a SELECT statement or mysql_affected_rows() to find out how many rows were affected by a DELETE, INSERT, REPLACE, or UPDATE statement. |
Return Values:
- 1: The function was executed successfully.
- 0: The function failed to execute.
//If you do not plan on using threads, simply do not mind optional parameters mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `mytable` WHERE condition=true"); //But if you do plan on using threads, check this example #define THREAD_MYSELECT (1) mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `mytable` WHERE condition=true",THREAD_MYSELECT,playerid); //This query would be processed in a separate thread. //After processing is done, OnQueryFinish would be called with these parameters: //OnQueryFinish("SELECT * FROM `mytable` WHERE condition=true", 1, 0, 1);
index | Extra variable which is processed to the callback. |
query[] | The query you want to process. |
callback[] | Name of the function to call. |
extraid | Optional (extra variable that would be processed to the callback. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
Return Values:
forward MySqlCallback(query[], index, extraid, connectionHandle); public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { mysql_query_callback(playerid,"SELECT * FROM `mybuildings`","MySqlCallback"); } public MySqlCallback(query[], index, extraid, connectionHandle) { //Query processed, you can execute your code now }
![]() Note | You have to use this function before fetching the result. Also don't forget to free result when you don't need it anymore with mysql_free_result() or you will get "commands out of sync" errors. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
Return Values:
- 1: The function was executed successfully.
- 0: The function failed to execute.
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE name='iamcool'"); mysql_store_result(); //do what you have to do mysql_free_result();
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
Return Values:
- 1: The function was executed successfully.
- 0: The function failed to execute.
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE name='iamcool'"); mysql_store_result(); //do what you have to do mysql_free_result();
![]() Important | Always use this function (if you don't use mysql_format()) before inserting user inputs in a query. You can be victim of a SQL injection if you do not do so. |
const source[] | The string you want to be escaped. |
destination[] | The string to store escaped data in. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
![]() Notes |
Return Values:
public OnPlayerText(playerd, text[]) { new escape[140]; mysql_real_escape_string(text,escape); //string is now safe to be put in a query // ... }
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
Return Values:
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `mytable`"); if(mysql_errno() == 0) print("Query processed!");
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
Return Values:
mysql_query("UPDATE `notable` SET something=2 WHERE nofield=0"); if(mysql_warning_count()) print("Warnings occurred!");
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
![]() Note | If the last query was a DELETE query with no WHERE clause, all of the records will have been deleted from the table but this function will return zero. |
Return Values:
mysql_query("DELETE FROM mylogs WHERE log_id > 10"); printf("%d logs deleted!",mysql_affected_rows());
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
Return Values:
mysql_query("SELECT NULL FROM table1"); mysql_store_result(); new rows = mysql_num_rows(); mysql_free_result(); printf("There are %d rows in table1",rows);
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
Return Values:
mysql_query("SELECT field1,field2,field3 FROM table2"); mysql_store_result(); printf("%d fields were selected.",mysql_num_fields()); mysql_free_result();
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
Return Values:
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `players` (name,password) VALUES ('Ownage',MD5('mypass')"); printf("New player registered with ID %d",mysql_insert_id());
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
Return Values:
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mytable"); mysql_store_result(); printf("There are %d columns in the result set.",mysql_field_count()); mysql_free_Result();
![]() Note | This function only works with numerical digits (0-9) and may not work with negative value from result. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
Return Values:
mysql_query("SELECT myid FROM players LIMIT 1"); mysql_store_result(); new myid = mysql_fetch_int(); mysql_free_result();
&Float:result | A float to store the result, passed by reference. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
Return Values:
- 1: The function was executed successfully.
- 0: The function failed to execute.
mysql_query("SELECT health FROM players LIMIT 1"); mysql_store_result(); new Float:health; mysql_fetch_float(health); mysql_free_result();
![]() Notes |
string[] | The string to store extracted data in. |
const delimiter[] | Optional (custom delimeter character, defaults to I (vertical bar, pipe)). |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
Return Values:
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM players WHERE name='Myname'"); mysql_store_result(); new resultline[200]; if(mysql_fetch_row_format(resultline)) { //you can now use sscanf, explode, split or strtok to split result sscanf(resultline,"p<|>dds",PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel],PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin],PlayerInfo[playerid][pRandomString]); } else SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFFFFFF,"Not in database!"); mysql_free_result();
![]() Notes |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
Return Values:
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM houses"); mysql_ store_result(); while(mysql_retrieve_row()) //this will be running until all rows are processed { //you can use mysql_fetch_field and mysql_fetch_field_row here } mysql_free_result();
number | Index of the field. |
dest[] | The string where fetched data will be stored in. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
Return Values:
- 1: The function was executed successfully.
- 0: The function failed to execute.
if(mysql_retrieve_row()) { new field[20]; for(new i, num = mysql_num_fields(); i < num; i++) { mysql_fetch_field(i,field); //get name of all fields } }
string[] | The string where fetched data will be stored in. |
const fieldname[] | Name of the field to be fetched. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
Return Values:
- 1: The function was executed successfully.
- 0: The function failed to execute.
if(mysql_retrieve_row()) { new result[50]; mysql_fetch_field_row(result,"username"); //or if you use macro mysql_get_field("username",result); }
Plugin callbacks
query[] | Query which was processed. |
resultid | Thread ID you specified. |
extraid | Extra variable passed from mysql_query function. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this was processed on. |
Return Values:
#define THREAD_LOADPLAYER (5) public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { mysql_query("SELECT * FROM players WHERE name='Myname'",THREAD_LOADPLAYER,playerid); return 1; } public OnQueryFinish(query[], resultid, extraid, connectionHandle) { switch(resultid) { case THREAD_LOADPLAYER: { mysql_store_result(); if(IsPlayerConnected(extraid)) { //Execute your code } mysql_free_result(); } } return 1; }
errorid | ID of the error. |
error[] | Name of the error. |
resultid | Thread ID you specified. |
extraid | Extra variable passed from mysql_query function. |
callback[] | Name of the callback from mysql_query_callback function. It equals to "NULL" if it's not used. |
query[] | Query which was processed. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this was processed on. |
Return Values:
public OnQueryError(errorid, error[], resultid, extraid, callback[], query[], connectionHandle) { switch(errorid) { case CR_COMMAND_OUT_OF_SYNC: { printf("Commands out of sync for thread ID: %d",resultid); } case ER_SYNTAX_ERROR: { printf("Something is wrong in your syntax, query: %s",query); } } return 1; }