From SA-MP Wiki
MySQL Plugin Plugin | |
Author | BlueG / maddinat0r |
Released | 29/11/2008 |
Latest Version | R41-4 (10/09/2017) |
Development Status | Active |
License | License |
Forum Topic |
Documentation for BlueG's MySQL plugin version R40 and later. Forum topic and download links can be found here.
ORM functions
const table[] | The name of the table you wish to control. |
MySQL:handle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { new ORM:orm = Player[playerid][ORM_ID] = orm_create("players"); return 1; }
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
Return Values:
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) { orm_destroy(Player[playerid][ORM_ID]); return 1; }
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
Return Values:
Error | Meaning |
ERROR_INVALID | An error happened while executing orm_errno (invalid ORM id). |
ERROR_OK | No error happened. |
ERROR_NO_DATA | No data has been found in the table. |
orm_select(Player[playerid][ORM_ID], "OnStuffSelected", "d", playerid); public OnStuffSelected(playerid) { switch(orm_errno(Player[playerid][ORM_ID]) { case ERROR_INVALID: printf("Invalid ORM id."); break; case ERROR_OK: printf("There is no error."); break; case ERROR_NO_DATA: printf("No data in the table found."); break; } return 1; }
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
row_idx | The row index to take the cache data from. |
result_idx | The result index to use (optional). |
Return Values:
new query[128]; format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE `id` = %d", Player[playerid][ID]); mysql_tquery(MySQL, query, "OnStuffSelected", "d", playerid); public OnStuffSelected(playerid) { orm_apply_cache(Player[playerid][ORM_ID], 0); printf("Player %s has %d Money and is on PosX with %f.", Player[playerid][Name], Player[playerid][Money], Player[playerid][PosX]); return 1; }
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
const callback[] | The name of the callback to call when the operation is done (optional). |
const format[] | The format specifier for the callback (optional). |
{Float, _}:... | Indefinite number of parameters to pass to the callback (optional). |
Return Values:
orm_select(Player[playerid][ORM_ID], "OnPlayerDataLoaded", "d", playerid); public OnPlayerDataLoaded(playerid) { printf("Player %s has %d Money and is on PosX with %f.", Player[playerid][Name], Player[playerid][Money], Player[playerid][PosX]); return 1; }
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
const callback[] | The name of the callback to call when the operation is done (optional). |
const format[] | The format specifier for the callback (optional). |
{Float, _}:... | Indefinite number of parameters to pass to the callback (optional). |
Return Values:
orm_update(Player[playerid][ORM_ID]); //this generates a query like "UPDATE `players` SET ´name´='PlayerName', `money`='23141', `pos_x`='231.432' WHERE `id`='42'" and executes it
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
const callback[] | The name of the callback to call when the operation is done (optional). |
const format[] | The format specifier for the callback (optional). |
{Float, _}:... | Indefinite number of parameters to pass to the callback (optional). |
Return Values:
orm_insert(Player[playerid][ORM_ID], "OnPlayerRegistered", "d", playerid); public OnPlayerRegistered(playerid) { printf("Player %s has registered with id %d.", Player[playerid][Name], Player[playerid][ID]); return 1; }
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
const callback[] | The name of the callback to call when the operation is done (optional). |
const format[] | The format specifier for the callback (optional). |
{Float, _}:... | Indefinite number of parameters to pass to the callback (optional). |
Return Values:
orm_delete(Player[playerid][ORM_ID]); //this generates a query like "DELETE FROM `players` WHERE `id`='42'" and executes it
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
const callback[] | The name of the callback to call when the operation is done (optional). |
const format[] | The format specifier for the callback (optional). |
{Float, _}:... | Indefinite number of parameters to pass to the callback (optional). |
Return Values:
orm_load(Player[playerid][ORM_ID], "OnPlayerDataLoaded", "d", playerid); public OnPlayerDataLoaded(playerid) { printf("Player %s has %d Money and is on PosX with %f.", Player[playerid][Name], Player[playerid][Money], Player[playerid][PosX]); return 1; }
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
const callback[] | The name of the callback to call when the operation is done (optional). |
const format[] | The format specifier for the callback (optional). |
{Float, _}:... | Indefinite number of parameters to pass to the callback (optional). |
Return Values:
Player[playerid][Money] = GetPlayerMoney(playerid); orm_save(Player[playerid][ORM_ID]);
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
&var | The variable to register. |
const columnname[] | The name of the column in the MySQL table. |
Return Values:
new ORM:ormid = orm_create("players"); orm_addvar_int(ormid, Player[playerid][ID], "id"); orm_addvar_int(ormid, Player[playerid][Money], "money");
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
&Float:var | The variable to register. |
const columnname[] | The name of the column in the MySQL table. |
Return Values:
new ORM:ormid = orm_create("players"); orm_addvar_float(ormid, Player[playerid][PosX], "pos_x"); orm_addvar_float(ormid, Player[playerid][PosY], "pos_y");
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
var[] | The variable to register. |
var_maxlen | The size of the registered variable. |
const columnname[] | The name of the column in the MySQL table. |
Return Values:
enum E_PLAYER { // ... Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], Password[129] }; new Player[MAX_PLAYERS][E_PLAYER]; // ... new ORM:ormid = orm_create("players"); orm_addvar_string(ormid, Player[playerid][Name], MAX_PLAYER_NAME, "name"); orm_addvar_string(ormid, Player[playerid][Password], 129, "passwd");
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
const columnname[] | The name of the column. |
Return Values:
new ORM:ormid = orm_create("players"); orm_addvar_int(ormid, Player[playerid][ID], "id"); // ... orm_delvar(ormid, "id"); //returns true, variable "Player[playerid][ID]" has been removed orm_delvar(ormid, "id"); //returns false, because the variable couldn't be found as it was already removed
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
Return Values:
new ORM:ormid = orm_create("players"); Player[playerid][Money] = GetPlayerMoney(playerid); GetPlayerHealth(playerid, Player[playerid][Health]); orm_addvar_int(ormid, Player[playerid][Money], "money"); orm_addvar_float(ormid, Player[playerid][Health], "Health"); orm_clear_vars(ormid); //the money and health variables are now set to '0'
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
const columnname[] | The name of the column in the MySQL table. |
Return Values:
new ORM:ormid = orm_create("players"); orm_addvar_int(ormid, Player[playerid][ID], "id"); orm_addvar_float(ormid, Player[playerid][PosX], "pos_x"); // ... orm_setkey(ormid, "id");
MySQL functions
![]() Note | Almost every function has a connection handle parameter. If you only use one connection you don't need to mind it. |
E_LOGLEVEL:loglevel | Specifies what type of log messages will be logged (optional). |
Return Values:
Log levels
Log type | Description |
NONE | Logs absolutely nothing. |
ERROR | Logs errors. |
WARNING | Logs warnings. |
INFO | Logs informational messages. |
DEBUG | Logs debug messages. |
ALL | Logs everything. |
public OnGameModeInit() { mysql_log(ALL); //logs everything (errors, warnings and debug messages) return 1; }
const host[] | IP or hostname of the MySQL server. |
const user[] | Username of the account you want to connect to. |
const password[] | Password of the account you want to connect to. |
const database[] | Name of the database you want to connect to. |
MySQLOpt:option_id | MySQL connection options instance, see mysql_init_options() and mysql_set_option() (optional). |
Return Values:
new MySQL:g_Sql; // ... public OnGameModeInit() { g_Sql = mysql_connect("", "root", "mypass", "mydatabase"); // ... return 1; }
const file_name[] | Name for the connection file (optional). |
Return Values:
![]() Note | You can't specify any directories in the file name, the connection file has to be in the SA-MP server root folder. |
Available fields
Field | Type | Description |
hostname | string | The IP/hostname. |
username | string | The name of the user. |
password | string | The password of the user. |
database | string | The database to use. |
auto_reconnect | boolean (optional, true by default) | Whether automatically reconnect to the server on connection loss or not. |
multi_statements | boolean (optional, false by default) | Allow/Disallow executing multiple SQL statements in one query. |
pool_size | unsigned integer (optional, 2 by default) | Size of connection pool for mysql_pquery(). |
server_port | unsigned integer (optional, 3306 by default) | Server port. |
ssl_enable | boolean (optional, false by default) | Enable/disable SSL. |
ssl_key_file | string (optional) | Path to key file. |
ssl_cert_file | string (optional) | Path to certificate file. |
ssl_ca_file | string (optional) | Path to certificate authority file. |
ssl_ca_path | string (optional) | Path name to a directory that contains trusted SSL CA certificates in PEM format. |
ssl_cipher | string (optional) | List of permissible ciphers to use for SSL encryption. |
Valid connection file example:
hostname = ; this is a comment username = tester # this is also a comment password = 1234 database = test # auto_reconnect = false multi_statements = true # pool_size = 3 ; server_port = 3306
new MySQL:g_Sql; // ... public OnGameModeInit() { g_Sql = mysql_connect_file(); // ... return 1; }
MySQL:handle | The connection handle to close (optional). |
Return Values:
public OnGameModeExit() { mysql_tquery(g_Sql, "UPDATE `players` SET `is_online` = '0'"); mysql_close(g_Sql); //mysql_close will now halt the server until the query we just sent is executed. return 1; }
MySQL:handle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
printf("There are %d unprocessed queries.", mysql_unprocessed_queries());
E_MYSQL_OPTION:type | Option to change. |
value | Value the option should be set to. |
Return Values:
Option | Type | Description |
DUPLICATE_CONNECTIONS | boolean (false by default) | Allows to create multiple connections to the same database and server. |
DUPLICATE_CONNECTION_WARNING | boolean (true by default) | Controls whether to print a warning when a duplicate connection is detected. Used only if DUPLICATE_CONNECTIONS is false. |
public OnGameModeInit() { mysql_global_options(DUPLICATE_CONNECTIONS, true); //allows the use of dupl. connections new MySQL:g_Sql1 = mysql_connect("", "root", "mypass", "mydatabase"); new MySQL:g_Sql2 = mysql_connect("", "root", "mypass", "mydatabase"); printf("connection 1 and connection 2 are %s.", g_Sql1 == g_Sql2 ? "the same" : "not the same"); //output: "connection 1 and connection 2 are not the same." return 1; }
Return Values:
new MySQLOpt:options = mysql_init_options();
MySQLOpt:option_id | The MySQL connection options id. |
E_MYSQL_OPTION:type | The option to change. |
... | The new (single) value to set the option to. |
Return Values:
Available options
Option | Type | Description |
AUTO_RECONNECT | boolean (optional, true by default) | Whether automatically reconnect to the server on connection loss or not. |
MULTI_STATEMENTS | boolean (optional, false by default) | Allow/Disallow executing multiple SQL statements in one query. |
POOL_SIZE | unsigned integer (optional, 2 by default) | Size of connection pool for mysql_pquery(). |
SERVER_PORT | unsigned integer (optional, 3306 by default) | Server port. |
SSL_ENABLE | boolean (optional, false by default) | Enable/disable SSL. |
SSL_KEY_FILE | string (optional) | Path to key file. |
SSL_CERT_FILE | string (optional) | Path to certificate file. |
SSL_CA_FILE | string (optional) | Path to certificate authority file. |
SSL_CA_PATH | string (optional) | Path name to a directory that contains trusted SSL CA certificates in PEM format. |
SSL_CIPHER | string (optional) | List of permissible ciphers to use for SSL encryption. |
new MySQLOpt:options = mysql_init_options(); mysql_set_option(options, AUTO_RECONNECT, false); //disable auto-reconnect mysql_set_option(options, POOL_SIZE, 0); //disable connection pool (and thus mysql_pquery) g_Sql = mysql_connect("", "root", "mypass", "mydatabase", options);
![]() Notes |
![]() Important |
MySQL:handle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
const query[] | The query to be executed. |
const callback[] | The result callback to call after the query successfully executed (optional). |
const format[] | The format specifier string for the result callback (optional). |
{Float,_}:... | Indefinite number of arguments (optional). |
Return Values:
![]() Note | The callback must be a public function. That means it has to be forwarded. |
![]() Warning | If you specify a callback to be called while that callback doesn't exist, your server will most likely crash (error would look like exception 0XC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION)) |
Format specifiers
Specifier | Meaning |
d/i | integer number |
s | string |
f | floating point number |
b | boolean |
a | array (has to be followed by 'd'/'i' with the array length; the array length is also passed as a callback argument) |
r | reference |
forward OnPlayerDataLoaded(playerid); public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { new query[128], pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; new array[10] = {1, 2, ...}; GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); mysql_format(MySQL, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE `name` LIKE '%e'", pname); mysql_pquery(MySQL, query, "OnPlayerDataLoaded", "dad", playerid, array, sizeof array); return 1; } public OnPlayerDataLoaded(playerid, array[], array_size) { //Query processed, you can now execute cache functions (like cache_get_value_index) here. printf("There are %d players with the same name.", cache_num_rows()); return 1; }
MySQL:handle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
const query[] | The query you want to execute. |
const callback[] | The query you want to process (optional). |
const format[] | The format specifier string (optional). |
{Float,_}:... | Indefinite number of arguments (optional). |
Return Values:
![]() Warning | If you specify a callback to be called while that callback doesn't exist, your server will most likely crash (error would look like exception 0XC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION)) |
Format specifiers
Specifier | Meaning |
d/i | integer number |
s | string |
f | floating point number |
b | boolean |
a | array (has to be followed by 'd'/'i' with the array length; the array length is also passed as a callback argument) |
r | reference |
enum E_PLAYER { Id, Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], Stuff }; new Players[MAX_PLAYERS][E_PLAYER] forward OnPlayerDataLoaded(playerid); public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { new query[128], pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname)); mysql_format(MySQL, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE `Name` LIKE '%e'", pname); mysql_tquery(MySQL, query, "OnPlayerDataLoaded", "r", Players[playerid]); return 1; } public OnPlayerDataLoaded(player[E_PLAYER]) { //Query processed, you can now execute cache functions (like cache_get_value_index) here. printf("There are %d players with the name %s.", cache_num_rows(), player[Name]); return 1; }
MySQL:handle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
const file_path[] | The file to read the queries from. |
const callback[] | The query you want to process (optional). |
const format[] | The format specifier string (optional). |
{Float,_}:... | Indefinite number of arguments (optional). |
Return Values:
![]() Notes |
![]() Warning | If you specify a callback to be called while that callback doesn't exist, your server will most likely crash (error would look like exception 0XC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION)) |
public OnGameModeInit() { mysql_tquery_file(db_handle, "my_tables.sql", OnDatabaseTablesChecked); return 1; } forward OnDatabaseTablesChecked(); public OnDatabaseTablesChecked() { LoadHouses(); LoadVehicles(); return 1; }
![]() Important |
MySQL:handle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
const query[] | The query you want to execute. |
bool:use_cache | Set to true if you intend to use the cache/result mysql_query returns (optional). |
Return Values:
![]() Note | If use_cache is set to false, there won't be any valid cache to use, so all cache-related natives wont work. You also don't need to call cache_delete() in this case. |
new registered_players, Cache:result = mysql_query(MySQL, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `players`"); cache_get_value_int(0, 0, registered_players); printf("There are %d players in the database.", registered_players); cache_delete(result);
MySQL:handle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
const file_path[] | The file to read the queries from. |
Return Values:
mysql_query_file(g_Sql, "players.sql");
MySQL:handle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
mysql_connect("", "root", "mypass", "mydatabase"); if(mysql_errno() != 0) print("Could not connect to database!");
destination[] | The string to store the data into. |
max_len | The max. size of the destination string (optional). |
MySQL:handle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
new MySQL: handle, errno; handle = mysql_connect("", "root", "mypass", "mydatabase"); errno = mysql_errno(handle); if (errno != 0) { new error[100]; mysql_error(error, sizeof (error), handle); printf("[ERROR] #%d '%s'", errno, error); }
![]() Important | Always use this function (if you don't use mysql_format() with the '%e' specifier) before inserting user inputs in a query. You can be victim of a SQL injection if you do not do so. |
const source[] | The string you want to be escaped. |
destination[] | The string to store escaped data in. |
max_len | The size of the destination (optional). |
MySQL:handle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
enum E_PLAYER { // ... LastMsg[128], // ... }; new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][E_PLAYER]; // ... public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[]) { new escape[140*2+1]; mysql_escape_string(text, escape); //string is now safe to be put in a query // ... mysql_escape_string(text, PlayerInfo[playerid][LastMsg], 128); //correctly saves the escaped string into an enum-array return 1; }
MySQL:handle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
output[] | The string to save the result to. |
len | The size of the output. |
format[] | The format string. |
{Float,_}:... | Indefinite number of arguments. |
Return Values:
Format strings
Placeholder | Meaning |
%% | Literal %. |
%e | Escaped string (escapes directly without the need to call mysql_escape_string() before). |
%s | Normal string. |
%d / %i | Decimal number. |
%o | Octal number. |
%f | Floating point number (will print INF and NAN in lowercase). |
%F | Floating point number (will print INF and NAN in uppercase). |
%X | Hexadecimal number in uppercase. |
%x | Hexadecimal number in lowercase. |
%b | Binary number. |
%u | Unsigned decimal number. |
%a / %A | Hexadecimal floating point number (lowercase/uppercase) |
%g / %g | Floating point number in scientific notation (lowercase/uppercase, like %f/%F) |
The values for the placeholders follow in the exact same order as parameters in the call.
new query[128]; mysql_format(MySQL, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE `bar` = '%e' AND `foobar` = '%f' LIMIT %d", "foobar", "escape'me\"please", 1.2345, 1337); // the variable 'query' contains now the formatted query (including the escaped string) mysql_tquery(MySQL, query, "OnStuffSelected");
const charset[] | Character set you want to use. |
MySQL:handle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
destination[] | The string to store extracted data in. |
max_len | The size of the destination string (optional). |
MySQL:handle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
new charset[20]; mysql_get_charset(charset);
destination[] | The string to store extracted data in. |
max_len | The size of the destination string (optional). |
MySQL:handle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
new stats[150]; mysql_stat(stats); print(stats); //Output would be something like: // Uptime: 380 Threads: 1 Questions: 3 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 12 Flush tables: 1 // Open tables: 6 Queries per second avg: 0.008
Cache functions
![]() Note | Make sure you use these functions (except cache_delete(), cache_set_active(), cache_unset_active(), cache_is_any_active() and cache_is_valid()) only if there is an active cache available. |
&destination | Variable to store the number of rows into. |
Return Values:
new row_count; if(!cache_get_row_count(row_count)) printf("couldn't retrieve row count"); else printf("There are %d rows in the current result set.", row_count);
&destination | Variable to store the number of fields into. |
Return Values:
new field_count; if(!cache_get_field_count(field_count)) printf("couldn't retrieve field count"); else printf("There are %d fields in the current result set.", field_count);
&destination | Variable to store the number of results into. |
Return Values:
new result_count; if(!cache_get_result_count(result_count)) return printf("couldn't retrieve result count"); printf("we will now go through all %d results:", result_count); for(new r; r < result_count; r++) { cache_set_result(r); new rows = cache_num_rows(); printf("\t%d rows in %d. result", rows, r+1); }
field_index | The index of the field whose name to retrieve. |
destination[] | The string to store the name into. |
max_len | The size of the destination string (optional). |
Return Values:
new field_name[32]; cache_get_field_name(0, field_name); printf("The first field name in the current result set is '%s'.", field_name);
field_index | The index of the field whose type to return. |
Return Values:
new E_MYSQL_FIELD_TYPE:type = cache_get_field_type(0); if(type == MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING) printf("The first field is of type VARCHAR.");
result_index | The index of the result to set active. |
Return Values:
new result_count; if(!cache_get_result_count(result_count)) return printf("couldn't retrieve result count"); printf("we will now go through all %d results:", result_count); for(new r; r < result_count; r++) { cache_set_result(r); new rows = cache_num_rows(); printf("\t%d rows in %d. result", rows, r+1); }
row_idx | The row index (starts at '0'). |
column_idx | The column index (starts at '0'). |
destination[] | The string to store the data into. |
max_len | The max. size of the destination string (optional). |
Return Values:
![]() Important | You have to provide the size (max_len) by yourself if you use an enum-array as destination. |
new dest[128]; cache_get_value_index(0, 0, dest); printf("The very first value in the current result set is '%s'.", dest);
row_idx | The row index (starts at '0'). |
column_idx | The column index (starts at '0'). |
&destination | The variable to store the number into. |
Return Values:
new int_dest; cache_get_value_index_int(3, 0, int_dest); printf("The number stored in the fourth row and first column is '%d'.", int_dest);
row_idx | The row index (starts at '0'). |
column_idx | The column index (starts at '0'). |
&Float:destination | The variable to store the float into. |
Return Values:
new Float:float_dest; cache_get_row_float(3, 4, float_dest); printf("The floating point number stored in the fourth row and fifth column is '%f'.", float_dest);
row_idx | The row index (starts at '0'). |
column_idx | The column index (starts at '0'). |
&bool:destination | The variable to set to true/false, whether the value is NULL or not. |
Return Values:
new bool:is_null; cache_is_value_index_null(3, 4, is_null); printf("The value in the fourth row and fifth column %s 'NULL'.", is_null ? "is" : "is not");
row_idx | The row index (starts at '0'). |
const column_name[] | The column name. |
destination[] | The string to store the data into. |
max_len | The size of the destination string (optional). |
Return Values:
![]() Important | You have to provide the size (max_len) by yourself if you use an enum-array as destination. |
new dest[128]; cache_get_value_name(0, "name", dest); printf("The value in the column 'name' is '%s'.", dest);
row_idx | The row index (starts at '0'). |
const column_name[] | The column name. |
&destination | The variable to store the number into. |
Return Values:
new int_dest; cache_get_value_name_int(2, "money", int_dest); printf("The value in the third row and in the column 'money' is '%d'.", int_dest);
row_idx | The row index (starts at '0'). |
const column_name[] | The column name. |
&Float:destination | The variable to store the float into. |
Return Values:
new Float:float_dest; cache_get_value_name_float(3, "pos_x", float_dest); printf("The value in the fourth row and in the column 'pos_x' is '%f'.", float_dest);
row_idx | The row index (starts at '0'). |
const column_name[] | The column name. |
&bool:destination | The variable to set to true/false, whether the value is NULL or not. |
Return Values:
new bool:is_null; cache_is_value_name_null(3, "date", is_null); printf("The value in the fourth row and in the column 'date' %s 'NULL'.", is_null ? "is" : "is not");
Return Values:
enum E_PLAYER { ID, Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], Cache:Data, // ... }; new Player[MAX_PLAYERS][E_PLAYER]; public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { new query[128]; GetPlayerName(playerid, Player[playerid][Name], MAX_PLAYER_NAME); mysql_format(MySQL, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE `name` = '%e' LIMIT 1", Player[playerid][Name]); mysql_tquery(MySQL, query, "OnPlayerDataLoaded", "d", playerid); return 1; } forward OnPlayerDataLoaded(playerid); public OnPlayerDataLoaded(playerid) { if(cache_num_rows() == 1) { //save the cache for later use Player[playerid][Data] = cache_save(); //show login dialog // ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, ... } // else //show register dialog // ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, ... return 1; }
Cache:cache_id | The cache-id which should be deleted. |
Return Values:
enum E_PLAYER { ID, Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], Cache:Data, // ... }; new Player[MAX_PLAYERS][E_PLAYER]; public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) { cache_delete(Player[playerid][Data]); // ... return 1; }
Cache:cache_id | The cache-id which should be set as active. |
Return Values:
enum E_PLAYER { ID, Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], Cache:Data, Money, Float:PosX, // ... }; new Player[MAX_PLAYERS][E_PLAYER]; public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) { switch(dialogid) { // ... case DIALOG_LOGIN: { //if password matches cache_set_active(Player[playerid][Data]); cache_get_value_int(0, "money", Player[playerid][Money]); cache_get_value_float(0, "pos_x", Player[playerid][PosX]); // ... cache_unset_active(); } // ... default: return 0; } return 1; }
Return Values:
cache_set_active(Player[playerid][Data]); cache_get_value_int(0, "money", Player[playerid][Money]); cache_unset_active(); if(cache_get_value_float(0, "pos_x", Player[playerid][PosX])) printf("data was successfully retrieved, this should NOT happen!"); else printf("there is no active cache, because we just unset it.");
Return Values:
cache_set_active(Player[playerid][Data]); assert(cache_is_any_active() == true); cache_unset_active(); assert(cache_is_any_active() == false);
Cache:cache_id | The cache-id which should be checked. |
Return Values:
enum E_PLAYER { ID, Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], Cache:Data, // ... }; new Player[MAX_PLAYERS][E_PLAYER]; public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid) { //if random event... cache_delete(Player[playerid][Data]); return 1; } public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) { if(cache_is_valid(Player[playerid][Data])) cache_delete(Player[playerid][Data]); // ... return 1; }
![]() Note | If the last query was a DELETE query with no WHERE clause, all of the records will be deleted from the table but this function will return zero. |
Return Values:
mysql_tquery(MySQL, "DELETE FROM mylogs WHERE log_id > 10", "OnLogsDeleted"); // ... public OnLogsDeleted() { printf("%d logs deleted!", cache_affected_rows()); return 1; }
Return Values:
mysql_tquery(MySQL, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nope`", "OnStuffHappened"); // ... public OnStuffUpdated() { if(cache_warning_count()) printf("table 'nope' doesn't exist."); return 1; }
Return Values:
mysql_tquery(MySQL, "INSERT INTO `players` (`name`, `password`) VALUES ('Ownage', MD5('mypass'))", "OnPlayerRegister", "d", playerid); // ... public OnPlayerRegister(playerid) { printf("New player registered with ID '%d'.", cache_insert_id()); return 1; }
E_EXECTIME_UNIT:unit | Time unit which should be used for the execution time (optional). |
Return Values:
Time units
Unit |
mysql_tquery(MySQL, "SELECT * FROM `data`", "OnDataRetrieved"); // ... public OnDataRetrieved() { printf("The query \"SELECT * FROM `data`\" took %d milliseconds / %d microseconds to execute.", cache_get_query_exec_time(MILLISECONDS), cache_get_query_exec_time(MICROSECONDS)); //output: // The query "SELECT * FROM `data`" took 9 milliseconds / 9311 microseconds to execute. return 1; }
destination[] | The string to store the query into. |
max_len | The maximal size of the destination string (optional). |
Return Values:
mysql_tquery(MySQL, "SELECT * FROM `data`", "OnDataRetrieved"); // ... public OnDataRetrieved() { new query[64]; cache_get_query_string(query); printf("Executed query: \"%s\"", query); //output: // Executed query: "SELECT * FROM `data`" return 1; }
Plugin callbacks
errorid | ID of the error. |
const error[] | Error message. |
const callback[] | Name of the result callback. Will be empty if there was none. |
const query[] | Query which was executed. |
MySQL:handle | The connection handle this was processed on. |
Return Values:
public OnQueryError(errorid, const error[], const callback[], const query[], MySQL:handle) { switch(errorid) { case CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR: { printf("Lost connection to server"); } case ER_SYNTAX_ERROR: { printf("Something is wrong in your syntax, query: %s",query); } } return 1; }